Virtual Shala
Welcome into a community of humans who are curious in how to live an embodied life rich with sacredness. In this Virtual Shala you have access to a vast amount of practices and enquiries that hope to satisfy your curiosity.
What will you find inside.
Fern has been supporting people in journeys of embodied discovery for the past fifteen years. Within this Virtual Shala, you will have access to a growing library of content that includes Fern's signature Embody & Flow practices, restorative flow and deep rest practices, various meditation techniques including somatic, dynamic and non dual awareness practices. You will also find discussions and tutorials that will help to elaborate the science and philopsophy that underpins her work and bask in the
Virtual Shala
Every month
An online library of practices from Fern Trelfa that will guide you into home to your body.
Valid until canceled
7 day free trial
Embody & Flow
Restorative Flow
Somatic Meditation
Dynamic Meditation
Philosophical Discussion
Some questions you might explore:
What is embodiment and why is it important?
What is the difference between 'embodiment' and 'somatic'?
What is the difference between being aware of the body and inhabiting the body?
What is the felt sense and how do I work with it?
How can I expand how my experience of the world beyond the myth of my five senses?
Tell me more about my nervous system and how I can self regulate.
How can I resource myself in moments when I feel unstable?
What is trauma and how is it stored in my body?